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Friday - 02/07/2025
Byron Municipal Complex

401 Main Street | Byron, GA 31008

478-956-3600 | Fax: 478-956-5299

Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

For after hour emergencies or service interruption please call


City of Byron Public Works

The Byron Public Works Department is responsible for operation and maintenance of the City’s streets and sewer systems, production and distribution of water, collection and treatment of wastewater, and permitting and regulation of public and private construction.

The department provides operations, maintenance, and emergency response coverage 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The 15 employees of the Department of Public Works are also active behind the scenes of many different civic events and programs that occur throughout the city, providing support and maintenance.

For after working hours emergencies call 478‑822‑9111.

The CodeRED System is entirely Internet-based and has redundant servers across the country. This ensures that the system will be available and can be activated from anywhere with an Internet connection. Even in the event an Internet connection is unavailable, the system can be activated by phone if necessary.

Click here to receive critical community related communications.

Your contact information will remain private, it will only be used for notifications through the CodeRED system.

To Pay Your Bill

All payments can me made over the phone at
1-888-291-0367, mailed, or dropped in the payment box at City Hall: Byron Municipal Complex, 401 Main Street, Byron, GA 31008.

The City of Byron also offers online payment services via credit card or check. There is a convenience fee assessed for each transaction. To sign up for online payments, please have your utility account number and visit
Pay Your Water/Sewer Bill Online.

The online payment portal allows you to make a one-time full, partial, or scheduled payment. Please note that all bills must be paid in full, including delinquent fees, if services are disconnected. Accounts that have been issued citations that require a court appearance will not be available for online payments. Accounts coded as Cash Only will not be available for online payments.

Some information to help keep our area clean and safe

(Click and image to read more)

Water Department

The Water Department is responsible for treating and distributing potable water for the residents of Byron and surrounding areas, as well as implementing many other tasks.

The City water system is expanding rapidly to provide better service and to accommodate growth. City crews work with property owners, builders, and developers to resolve service issues and ensure that new construction complies with City standards.

Water Quality Report

Wastewater Treatment

The City’s sanitary sewage collection system serves the areas within the City limits. The primary responsibility of the Wastewater Department is constructing sewer lines, maintaining and repairing the collection system, installing connections to the system, and collecting wastewater and transporting it to the wastewater treatment facility.

Sanitation Services

The City contracts all garbage pickup with GFL (effective Dec 30th, 2024). If you need to set up sanitation service and you live within the Byron city limits, please call the Byron Municipal Complex at 478-654-6396.

Trash Holidays:

  • New Years Day
  • Memorial Day
  • July 4th
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas

View Trash Schedule
Byron Public Works

Byron Municipal Building
401 Main Street, Byron, GA 31008
Office 478-956-2411, Fax 478-956-5299
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
For after hour emergencies or
service interruption please call: 478-822-9111

Tiffany Bibb Director Contact by Email

Stormwater/Street Department

The Stormwater/Street Department of Public Works is responsible for conducting monthly inspections of commercial sites for potential illicit discharges; also inspections of detention ponds, catch basins and storm sewer systems.

If a detention pond on your property was constructed early in the development process, it was probably used to trap sediment from construction activities in the tributary drainage area, a very effective way to collect and remove pollutants. In addition, the detention pond may provide benefits such as passive recreation and open space opportunities while reducing peak runoff rates and improving water quality. A functioning detention pond is a requirement for stormwater management.

Stormwater Utility Fact Sheet

The City currently maintains approximately 46 miles of paved streets. To report a problem with a street within the city limits, to include existing (or developing) pot holes, chipping, cracking, or drainage problems, please contact the Public Works Department during normal business hours. City maintenance crews are on site and ready to resolve any street-related problems or impediments that may develop.